Official Beer Pong Tournament Rules for The World Series of Beer Pong
BPONG Offical Rules page
1. Purpose & Approach
1.1. These rules are designed with three primary goals: (1) fairness to all players; (2) efficiency in running a maximum number of games simultaneously; and (3) Minimization of possible disputes between participants.
1.2 These rules are meant to be applied to all BPONG-related events.
2. Equipment
2.1. Tables: 8' x 2' x 27.5" BPONG™ Tables
2.2. Balls: 2 x 40 mm 3-Star Tournament Grade BPONG™ Balls/
2.3. Cups: BPONG™ 16 oz. cups
Top width: 3-5/8"
Height: 4-5/8"
Base width: 2-1/4"
3. Game Setup
3.1. Cup Formation
3.1.1. 10 cups per team.
3.1.2. Starting formation is a "tight triangle" formation (rims touching), pointing towards the opposing side. BPONG Racks are used to maintain formations.
3.1.3. The 10-cup triangle must be centered on the table and the back of the rack must be in line with the back edge of the table.
3.1.4 Cups must not be tilted or leaned against the surrounding cups.
3.2. Content of Cups
3.2.1. Water is used in all cups. Cups shall be filled ⅓ - ½ with water.
3.2.2. These water cups are not for consumption, and no person shall be required or encouraged to drink as a result of any part of the game. The cups are to be reused every round. All official World Series of Beer Pong Satellite Tournaments must abide by all local laws concerning beer pong.
4. Playing the Game
4.1 Shooting & Table Sides
4.1.1. The team with first possession will get one (1) shot. Each team will get two (2) shots for each turn thereafter, one shot per team member, subject to any other rules within.
4.1.2. To determine who chooses shot vs. table side, if not otherwise dictated by tournament-specific rules, players may use any agreed-upon method, such as flipping a coin or playing “Rock, Paper, Scissors” to make that determination. If the players are unable to agree upon a method, then they shall use one game of “Rock, Paper, Scissors.”
4.2 Grabbing, Swatting, & Fingering
4.2.1. The ball in play may be grabbed or swatted after it has already made contact with a cup, but not while the ball is in the cup. You may not grab or swat before the ball has hit a cup except in the case of bounce shots, as permitted by the rules herein.
4.2.2. In the event of player interference prior to the ball making contact with a cup, (i.e., premature grabulation), a one-cup penalty will be imposed for the interference. The shooter who had his or her shot interfered with may choose the cup to be removed.
4.2.3. Balls may not be interfered with while inside of a cup, i.e., no fingering.
4.3 Bounce Shots
4.3.1. Players are allowed to shoot via bounce.
4.3.2. If a bounce shot is made, that cup will count for 2 cups.
4.3.3. The defensive team shall choose the second cup that is removed from the game.
4.3.4. Bounce shots may be swatted after the ball has made contact with the table at least once. Players may also catch bounce shots instead of swatting.
4.3.5. Any cups knocked over in an attempt to swat a bounce will count as made cups and will be pulled from the game.
4.3.6. Missed non-bounce shots that ricochet back off the table or any other object, after hitting a cup or rack, or any other object on the table will count as only 1 cup and not count as 2 cups.
4.3.7. Declared Bounce Shot Exception: If a player declares that s/he will be bouncing for every single shot s/he takes during a game before a game begins, bounces may not be swatted during that game. Bounce shots will only count as 1 cup for all players during that game.
4.4 Reformation
4.4.1. Cups must be reformed at 6, 3, and 1 cups remaining according to the diagram below:
4.4.2. Racks must be aligned to the center of the table. Racks must be aligned flush with the back edge of the table. (No overhang. No gap before the edge.) When one cup is remaining, the cup shall always be pulled back to be aligned flush with the end of the table, and it shall be placed in the center of the table.
4.4.3. Cups that drift out of position may be reformed, but only at the request of the shooter. In general, BPONG Racks should be used to ensure formation consistency.
4.4.4. Reformation is to take place as soon as applicable, even in the middle of a turn (i.e. mid-turn reracks).
4.4.5. Cups should be removed as soon as they are hit, even in the case where a reformation is not warranted. It is the responsibility of the shooting team to wait until a hit cup is removed to take their next shot. If a team shoots while the opposing team is reforming or in the process of removing a cup from the table, and the ball goes in the cup after making contact with the defending team’s hand(s), the shot will count as a miss. If a shooter hits a cup that has already been hit, it will count as a miss.
4.4.6. If a team mistakenly shoots when a reform should have occurred, they have the right to ask for a reform after the fact. If a cup has been hit, and the shooting team then asks for a reform, the defending team gets to choose which cup gets removed from the reformed rack.
4.5 Rollbacks
4.5.1. In general, if both players on a team sink his/her shot on the same turn, that team will get one (1) additional rollback shot, not two. The only exception to this rule is during redemption.
4.5.2. Either teammate may take the rollback shot. Neither teammate may take more than 2 consecutive rollback shots. Once two consecutive rollback shots have been taken by one player (makes or misses) the next rollback shot must be taken by the other partner.
4.6 Miracles
4.6.1. If a shot happens to land and stay on top of the cups, that shot will count as a miss. Congratulations - you are lucky, but you have not proved that you have any pong skills at all. If you can prove to us that you can intentionally land a ball on the cups on demand, we'll consider changing this rule. Until then, put the ball in the cup - that is the point of the game.
4.7 Leaning
4.7.1. Leaning shall be PERMITTED with the following considerations: Under no circumstances may a player shoot with any part of his or her body on (against is permitted) the table.
A player may not place a hand/foot/leg/penis/whatever on the table in order to gain additional reach and/or leverage. Against is only permitted if a player’s shot is NOT MOVING THE TABLE from its originally set position. If any part of a player’s body is causing the table to move during their shot from the tables originally set position, the shot will be forfeited. (It will not count if it goes in.)
A table TOP is permitted to rock gently from light leg contact during a shot. The feet of the table need to move from the tables originally set position for a violation to occur. Of course, if you have a beer gut that must rest on the table because there's nothing else you can do with it; the "beer gut on the table" exception will apply. A player's hand may not touch the table after a shot is released.
A player may not bounce or touch the ball to the table after their foot has left the ground. If a player releases a shot with such leverage or touches the table in any manner throughout the motion of their shot and/or after their shot is released, that shot will be forfeited. (It will not count if it goes in.) A player must start his/her shot with both feet on the ground. A player may not balance or lift his/her back foot whatsoever prior to being in full, forward-throwing motion of his/her shot.
There may be no pauses, breaks, or extended hesitations within a player’s shooting motion once their back foot has left the ground. A pause, break, or extended hesitation can be determined by a “1 count.” If a player releases a shot while violating this rule, that shot will be forfeited. (It will not count if it goes in.) Players may not edge themselves around the table when they shoot. Players may not move cups out of position in order to gain a leaning advantage. If the cups move as a result of contact with the body while shooting, the cups must be returned to their original spot before the next shot, whether it be by the opposing team or same team. Any cup knocked over as the result of excessive leaning will count as a hit shot.
4.8 Distractions
4.8.1. Distractions are permitted with the following restrictions (subject to a one cup penalty): Players may not cross the plane of play (the imaginary plane which runs vertically and separates you from your cups) with any part of their bodies, clothing, or other objects, while the other team is shooting. To avoid violating this rule, just stand back a few feet from your cups. Props are PERMITTED for distractions, at the discretion of the organizer. Props may not directly interfere with the flight of the ball or the shooter’s vision. For example, the prop or players shall not fan, blow, or otherwise intentionally create an air current surrounding the cups in play. Lighting devices may not be used to interfere with vision. Players may not approach the opposing team members in an unsportsmanlike manner. This includes running alongside the table to talk trash in an opposing players face. In general, players should never be on the side of the table (picking up a ball is an exception). Players may not pass the quarter way point of the table after/in-between shots. Players and spectators may not visually block cups from opposing players. Spectators are permitted to aid in distractions, but may not be inside the playing area at any time. In addition, in the event that players are positioned close to the outer edges of a playing area, spectators are prohibited from unreasonably interfering with a player’s ability to shoot. Specifically, no spectator is allowed to scream directly into the ears of players at close range, or attempt to block a player's view of the cups. Distractions should not violate any venue/location, local, state, or federal rules or laws.
4.9 Dipshit Not Paying Attention Rule
4.9.1. If TEAM1 knocks over one of its own cups, that dipshit's team (TEAM1) loses that cup(s). However, if the other team (TEAM2) also contains dipshits not paying attention that do not catch the first team of dipshits (TEAM1) knocking over their cup, then TEAM1 may keep that cup.
4.10 Balling Your Own Cups
4.10.1. In the event that a player who has possession of the ball drops a ball into his own cups either accidentally or intentionally, no penalty is taken.
4.10.2. In the event that a player who does not have possession of the ball comes in contact with the ball and as a result that ball enters one of his own cups, such as by unintentionally acting as a backboard, that shot IS counted.
4.11 Ball Interference
4.11.1. Interference is defined as any contact, intentional or otherwise, between game pieces (balls or cups) and any other objects.
4.11.2. In the event of player interference prior to the ball making contact with a cup (aka Premature Grabulation), a one-cup penalty will be imposed for the interference. The shooter who had his or her shot interfered with may choose the cup to be removed.
4.11.3. In the event of interference on the part of non-players, such as spectators or officials, the shot is replayed.
4.11.4. In the event that a player drops his/her ball into one of his/her own cups, no penalty is enforced. (See "Balling your own cups").
4.11.5. All objects sitting on the table are considered part of the table for the purpose of determining interference. Specifically, if a shot bounces off of an errant object on the table (such as a water cup, a cup that has already been hit, a personal can of beer, etc) and then goes into a live cup, that shot is counted.
4.11.6. The previous clause notwithstanding, the playing area should be kept as clear as possible at all times. Specifically, no objects should placed in between the opposing cup formations.
4.12 Cup Interference
4.12.1. In the event that a player knocks over his or her own cups, those cups are to be counted as though sunk and removed from the table. They are not to be refilled or replaced unless the dipshits are not paying attention (See: Dipshit Not Paying Attention Rule). With the use of BPONG racks, if the entire rack is knocked off of the table, all of the cups are counted as hit, unless this occurred during reformation, in which case the cups are replaced.
4.12.2. In the event that cups are knocked over by any non-player, those cups are not counted as sunk, and are to be refilled and replaced in their appropriate positions on the table.
4.12.3. In the event that cups drift or are otherwise moved out of formation, those cups may be replaced in their appropriate positions upon request from the opposing team.
4.12.4. Drifters: In the event that a cup drifts out of its position while a ball attempting to sink those cups is in mid-flight, the shot is to be counted as a miss, unless it is absolutely clear that the movement of the cup was caused by the defending team, i.e. the defending team makes contact with the table. Once a ball has touched a cup, the defending team can cause the cups to move without penalty, but if they do knock cups over, the cups will be removed from the game.
4.12.5. Cup Adjustment: Cups may NOT be moved or adjusted while the ball is being released, or while the ball is in mid-flight. Doing so incurs a 1-cup penalty.
4.12.6. Balls Knocking Over Cups: Cups should be filled to the point where it is not possible to knock the cup over with the ball. However, in the event that a ball does knock a cup over, the shot is counted as a hit, UNLESS it is absolutely clear that the ball never crossed the top plane of the cup before it was knocked over, in which case the cup is reset and the shot is considered a miss. To clarify, if a ball enters a cup, spins, and then exits the cup, and the cup falls off of the table as a result, the cup is counted as a hit shot, and is removed.
4.12.7. In the event that a ball enters a cup causing the cup to move, the defending team may not stabilize the cup. To clarify, if it appears that a cup is going to fall over, the defending team must allow this to happen.
4.13 Interference During Reformation
4.13.1. Players are not allowed to shoot until the opposing team has clearly finished reforming. In the event that a player shoots before this: (a) a cup made does not count and the opposing team receives possession of the ball; and (b) a missed shot is counted as a miss and the opposing team receives possession of the ball.
4.14 Table Interference
4.14.1. Players may not make contact with the table while their opponents are shooting.
4.15 Ending the Game
4.15.1. Redemption (a.k.a., Rebuttal) As soon as the last cup is hit, the opposing team has the opportunity to try and bring the game into Overtime. See Appendix A for examples to illustrate the following rules. There are two different general scenarios for how to determine redemption rules: There are two or more cups remaining, or there is only one cup remaining on the side of the team that has hit last cup. If there are two or more cups remaining, "Unlimited 1-ball Redemption" is given. Either player may take the first shot, and the ball is rolled back until a player misses. As soon as a miss occurs, the game is over. At this time, players MUST alternate shooters in the event of multiple hits-one player may NOT take all the redemption shots. The only exception to this rule occurs when there are three cups remaining when redemption begins. In this case, the first two shots must be alternated (i.e., the player who shoots first cannot shoot second), but the final shot may be taken by either player. If there is one cup remaining when the last cup is sunk, the rule is, "Take as many shots as you have balls remaining on your side". For example: Your opponent misses their first shot, but sinks the second into your last cup. You get 2 chances to redeem, i.e. you may miss once. Opponent sinks your last cup on their first shot. You get 1 chance to redeem. If an opponent sinks your last 2 or 3 cups in 1 turn, you get 2 chances to redeem, i.e. you may miss once. Successful redemption results in initiation of a 3-cup overtime, with the dominant team (the team which would have won had their opponents not redeemed), selecting possession.
4.15.2. Overtime (3-cup) Overtime formation is a tight triangle at the back, center of the table. The dominant team, i.e., the team that made the last cup first gets the first 2 shots in the first possession in overtime. The same redemption and rollback rules apply during overtime as apply pre-overtime.
4.16 Disputes
4.16.1. A dispute is not considered to be valid unless witnessed by two or more individuals. In the event of a valid dispute, that game is considered paused and an official must be notified. Any witnesses to the event in question must remain at the table until the dispute has been resolved. All calls made by the referee are final. Intentional abuse of game rules and/or disputation without adequate cause is grounds for ejection from the tournament.
4.17 Time Limit On Shooting
4.17.1. In general, players are expected to take their shots within a reasonable amount of time, and in accordance with proper sportsmanship. Generally, no specific time limit is placed on shots. 45 seconds is deemed a “reasonable amount of time” for both players to shoot in one possession. However, times may arise when it is necessary to limit the amount of time each player has to take a shot.
4.17.2. A time limit on shooting may be implemented under any of the following conditions: (a) agreement by all players, (b) referee/official implementation, at his/her sole discretion, or (c) at the request of a player if approved by a referee/official, at the referee’s sole discretion.
4.17.3. Once a time limit on shooting has been implemented, it must be implemented equally to all players for the remainder of the game.
4.17.4. Any accurate timekeeping device may be used to track shooting time limits, so long as it is visible to all players.
4.17.5. Implementation. Once a team comes into full possession of both game balls before an ensuing turn, those players as a TEAM have 45 seconds to shoot both balls. Possession will not begin for players retrieving a ball from outside of their immediate table until they are back within normal playing distance of their table. Intentionally stalling during retrieval is not allowed.
4.17.6. Once in full possession of a rollback ball, a team has 15 seconds to shoot.
4.17.7. Violation of a shooting time limit results in loss of shot(s) for the offensive team in the possession in which it violated the shooting time limit.
4.18 Absentee Players
4.18.1. In the event that a player is temporarily absent, no substitution may be made. The game continues without the missing player; i.e. that team receives only one shot per side until the missing player returns.
4.18.2. In the event that a player is forced to vacate the venue by the owner of the venue, Beer Pong Events, LLC, hired security, or any other entity deemed to be authoritative on this matter and at the sole discretion of Beer Pong Events, LLC or governing organizer, the team will forfeit the rest of the tournament, will not be permitted back in the venue, and will not be entitled to any refund, in whole or in part, of any fees paid for the event or any associated activities.
5. Conduct
5.1. All players are to conduct themselves in a manner respectful to other players, referees, and the sport of Beer Pong. Unacceptable conduct will result in severe punitive action, to be applied at the discretion of the referees. Unacceptable conduct includes, but is not limited to, fighting, abuse of referees, unreasonably throwing balls at opponents, abuse of other players, abuse of beer (excessive spilling), etc.
6. Interpretation of the Rules
6.1. Final interpretation of these rules is made at the sole discretion of the tournament organizer and may be amended as necessary to promote the goal of efficiently running the tournament.
7. Appendix A - Redemption Examples
7.1. Here are some common examples of how the redemption rules are applied. Each team has two players, who we will call Player A and Player B:
7.1.1. There are 4 cups remaining on Team 1's side, and Team 1 has just hit last cup (It does not matter whether the first or second shooter hit last cup). Team 2 must hit all 4 cups on Team 1's side without missing. Player A from Team 2 shoots. If he misses, the game is over. If he hits, then the cups are reformed to a triangle, and Player B shoots. If Player B misses, the game is over. If Player B hits, then Player A shoots. If Player A misses, the game is over. If Player A hits, then Player B shoots. If he misses, the game is over. If he hits, the game goes to Overtime, and Team 1 gets the first two shots.
7.1.2. There are 3 cups remaining on Team 1's side, and Team 1 has just hit last cup. Team 2 must hit all 3 cups on Team 1's side without missing. Player A from Team 2 shoots. If he misses, the game is over. If he hits, then Player B shoots. If he misses, the game is over. If he hits, then Player A shoots at the final cup. If he misses, the game is over. If he hits, the game goes to Overtime, and Team 1 gets the first two shots.
7.1.3. There are 2 cups remaining on Team 1's side, and one cup remaining on Team 2's side. Player A from Team 1 shoots and misses. Player B from Team 1 hits last cup. Since there were two cups remaining when last cup is hit, the rule is still "Unlimited 1-ball Redemption". So, Player A from Team 2 will shoot. If he misses, the game is over. If Player A hits, then Player B shoots. If Player B hits, the game goes to Overtime, and Team 1 gets the first two shots.
7.1.4. There are 2 cups remaining on Team 1's side, and one cup remaining on Team 2's side. Player A from Team 1 shoots and hits on the first shot. Since there are multiple cups remaining on Team 1's side, this situation is played exactly like Example C.
7.1.5. There are 2 cups remaining on Team 1's side, and 2 cups remaining on Team 2's side. Player A from Team 1 shoots and hits a cup. Player B from Team 1 then shoots and hits last cup. Since there are multiple cups remaining on Team 1's side, this situation is played exactly like Example C.
7.1.6. There are 2 cups remaining on Team 1's side, and 3 cups remaining on Team 2's side. Player A from Team 1 shoots and hits a cup. Player B from Team 1 shoots and hits a cup. One ball is rolled back. Either player shoots and hits last cup.Since there are multiple cups remaining on Team 1's side, this situation is played exactly like Example C.
7.1.7. There is 1 cup remaining on Team 1's side, and 1 cup remaining on Team 1's side. Player A from Team 1 shoots and misses. Player B then hits last cup. Since there is one cup on Team 1's side, and there are two balls on Team 2's side, Team 2 has two opportunities to hit the cup to bring the game to Overtime. If Player A on Team 2 hits, the game goes to Overtime. If Player A misses, then Player B takes a shot.
7.1.8. There is 1 cup remaining on Team 1's side, and 1 cup remaining on Team 2's side. Player A from Team 1 shoots and hits on Team 1's first shot. Since the last cup has been hit, the game goes directly to Rebuttal. Since there is only one ball on Team 2's side, Team 2 has only one chance to hit the remaining cup to bring Overtime. Either player on Team 2 may take the shot.
7.1.9. There is 1 cup remaining on Team 1's side, and 2 cups remaining on Team 2's side. Player A from Team 1 shoots and hits. Player B from Team 1 shoots and hits last cup. Since there is one cup on Team 1's side, and there are two balls on Team 2's side, Team 2 has two opportunities to hit the cup to bring the game to Overtime. This is played exactly like Example G.
7.1.10. There is 1 cup remaining on Team 1's side, and 3 cups remaining on Team 2's side. Player A from Team 1 shoots and hits a cup. Player B from Team 1 shoots and hits a cup. One ball is rolled back. Either player shoots and hits last cup. Since there is one cup on Team 1's side, and there are two balls remaining on Team 2's side, Team 2 has two opportunities to hit the cup to bring the game to Overtime. This is played exactly like Example G.